Snails past the finish line
This is intended as a post-dynastic discussion thread; I generally find these really interesting to read, so here’s a place for all your thoughts on the dynasty that just finished. Any things that worked? Didn’t work? Any lessons to learn for next time?
Josh: he/they
So I think this dynasty was a bit of a miss, for a variety of reasons.
None of those reasons are Desertfrog - the theme was good, the emperoring was on point, the Imperial Styles were kept to in a transparent way.
But the ruleset does have a lot of issues. It is structred weirdly, with important information being kept sepafrately from its context, and core concepts being defined in illogical and hapazard ways. This led to so many instances of people discovering that the rules just didn’t say what people thought they did - it was a scammer’s paradise but it made conventional play borderline impossible.
(On the subject of scams, there was one left for the last race - Stomp Rocket’s discard-to-move counter didn’t reset with each Race, so in the last race each Stomp Rocket would have moved its user forward 24cm by default. Which is, of course, why Habanero and I both have several.)
But over and above basic construction, the core mechanics of this dynasty simply weren’t fun. For all that the last-mover advantage was repeatedly observed in this dynasty, no-one figured out a way to mitigate it, and my belief is that if fun scams hadn’t been found then the dynasty would have been a boring trudge.
That said, activity levels were good, there were lots of good ideas, and there was some fun boundary-pushing in discussions around consistency, the legitimacy of scam readings of the ruleset, and a DoV debate for the ages.