Declaration of Victory: Snappy Title
Failed early by Call For Judgement. (0-7.) -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 26 Jun 2016 01:11:59 UTC
Per the Call for Judgement “Quorum is One”, I have achieved victory.
Okay, an explanation of the scam:
Per the (repealed) rule Official Positions, “A Scribe may be granted an Official Position”; nothing specifies how, but it is a thing that may be done, so I did it. To everybody.
Per the rule Proxies, “A Proxy is a non-Scribe entity designated as such by the rules. [...] Proxies are considered to be Scribe for the purpose of other Dynastic Rules, except where they explicitly refer to non-Proxy Scribes.” There is arguably a case to be made that a Scribe with the Official Position of Proxy is a Proxy, and thus not a Scribe for the purpose of Core Rules or the Glossary, (While still a Scribe for the purposes of the rule Official Positions, so they don’t automatically lose it again) which are where Quorum is defined.
Per the rule Calls for Judgement, “A Pending CFJ may be Resolved by an Admin if it has a Quorum of FOR Votes”; Quorum, defined relative Scribes by the rule Keywords as “Quorum of a subset of Scribes is half the number of Scribes in that subset, rounded down, plus one. If the word Quorum is used without qualifying which subset of Scribes it is referring to, it is referring to a Quorum of all Scribes.” So, being the only Scribe, quorum was (Floor(1/2)+1), that is to say, one. With one vote FOR, I could resolve it immediately, and did.
Now, you may ask why I bothered to do this, with so many easily disputable parts: Well, simple. If there are holes in these rules, and anybody wins because of them, I want it to be me. And, if any part of this works, but the whole doesn’t, then we have a short Hiatus to work out which bits those are, and how to fix them, before somebody attempts a dictatorship.