Sunday, February 28, 2010

Proposal: So we just sit around inventing and scavenging all day, huh?

Can’t pass without a change of vote, with 14 AGAINST. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 02 Mar 2010 01:59:56 UTC

Create a rule called “Commoner Actions” with the following:

Commoners are capable of taking several actions (listed in subrules in this rule.)  Actions must have either a percentage based chance of failure (and a resulting penalty) or consume a certain amount of resources to perform.  A Commoner is capable of up to 3 actions in a week.  Each individual action shall be counted as a Weekly Action.

This brings in the possibility for a variety of different actions; theft, assault, barricading oneself in their workshop etc.

The world is going to hell, surely you want to do more than scavenge?



28-02-2010 22:13:41 UTC

for :p

Roujo: he/him

28-02-2010 22:14:08 UTC



28-02-2010 22:18:27 UTC

against  We can just add actions in their own rules; no need to create a new framework.


28-02-2010 22:21:37 UTC

We have one for inventions.  This also allows quick and easy amendments to allow new restrictions on commoner actions as a whole.

Darknight: he/him

28-02-2010 22:22:46 UTC

imperial for the moment


28-02-2010 22:26:38 UTC

@lordcooper: Um… what? Explain in a way that makes it look like you’re addressing my point, please.


28-02-2010 22:30:24 UTC

“An Invention has one or more Parts, listed in subrules of this rule”

We have a specific rule allowing the existence of Inventions and Parts, within which to place sub-rules referring to specific parts.  By amending rule 2.2 a Commoner is able to place a change on the way ALL Parts / Inventions work in one go.

This proposal would offer the same in regards to Commoner Actions.


28-02-2010 22:32:21 UTC

Ah, I understand now. CoV for

redtara: they/them

28-02-2010 22:54:27 UTC


Kevan: he/him

28-02-2010 23:04:58 UTC


Although I’m not entirely sure what three actions a week each being “counted as a Weekly Action” is trying to say.

Roujo: he/him

28-02-2010 23:13:51 UTC

The way I understand it, it prevents people from using the same action three times on the same week


28-02-2010 23:39:42 UTC

CoV imperial  as I think it should have a more specific name than just “actions”; as it stands it’s just begging to be scammed.

Roujo: he/him

28-02-2010 23:42:42 UTC

imperial Per Darth Cliche


28-02-2010 23:53:00 UTC



01-03-2010 00:31:17 UTC

Kevan, as I read it, each action is considered a separate weekly, so you’d have to track each separately (as, e.g. I, II, and III) in the GNDT to ensure that violations don’t occur. It would be nice to have that said more explicitly, though, so I suggest that lordcooper propose an addendum if this passes.



01-03-2010 02:15:11 UTC

imperial This might need rewording.

Josh: he/they

01-03-2010 07:41:07 UTC



01-03-2010 07:50:04 UTC



01-03-2010 09:40:59 UTC


ais523: Custodian

01-03-2010 10:22:37 UTC

imperial This is presumably trackable via GNDT comments, like weeklies normally are, so I don’t see a tracking problem. The only thing that I’m wondering about is whether these should be invention effects, rather than possible the rest of the time.


01-03-2010 10:38:17 UTC

against Why a separate rule to do this? Let the actions be their own rules.


01-03-2010 14:14:49 UTC



01-03-2010 14:53:59 UTC

against What’s the point, again?  When we want actions, we’ll propose them.  And we probably won’t want to be restricted.

redtara: they/them

01-03-2010 15:02:49 UTC

Eh, CoV imperial


01-03-2010 16:02:17 UTC



01-03-2010 18:42:25 UTC

against because i dont see the point of 1000 subrules to this rule. You may ask why not, I ask why.

Additionally: “A Commoner is capable of up to 3 actions in a week.  Each individual action shall be counted as a Weekly Action.”

I dont understand this sentence. Quote by the Ruleset: “If a game action is a Weekly Action, each Commoner able to perform it may take that action once per week, but not more than once every twenty-four hours.”

But it counts as a Weekly Action? Does this mean, you can do such an Action three times a Week, but no other Weekly Action then? (If yes, this should be clarified.) But then “As a weekly action, a Commoner can Scavenge;” fails…

Sorry, but strong against

Darknight: he/him

01-03-2010 22:15:21 UTC

against COV per Keba. I was on the fence with this till now.

Roujo: he/him

01-03-2010 22:30:08 UTC

CoV after reviewing…


02-03-2010 02:05:23 UTC



02-03-2010 02:55:35 UTC

CoV against

ais523: Custodian

02-03-2010 09:58:03 UTC

against for speed.