Proposal: Some Assembly Required
Times out / quorums 5 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 23 Jan 2015 22:58:22 UTC
Enact a new rule entitled “Missions”:
The ISV Jenny Haniver, under the Polaris protocol, requires Crewmember participation in the maintenance and operation of essential ship systems. The Computer may, not more than once every 48 hours, Alert the crew to a new Pending Mission through a blog entry that specifies the Mission’s System and Team Size and that has a unique title beginning with “Alert:”. A new Mission may not share its System with any other Pending Mission. The Team Size must be an integer between Quorum and the number of Androids, exclusive.
In a comment to the Alert post, the Pilot should suggest a Team of active Crewmembers of the specified size. All Crewmembers may then vote FOR or AGAINST the proposed Team through comments on the post. If a Quorum of FOR votes is reached, then the Team is approved and each of its members should send a private message to the Computer that indicates the Mission and one of the words “Repair” or “Sabotage”. Only the first such private message from each Team member is counted for the Mission.
A Mission is Completed if all of its Team chooses Repair.
A Mission Fails if it is not Completed 72 hours after the time of the Alert’s posting, or if no less than two Team members have not chosen Repair. When a Mission Fails, and every 72 hours after that, the Severity of its System is incremented once.
Each System has an associated Severity, tracked in this rule. Mission Systems and their current Severities are:
* Energy (None)
* Life Support (None)
* Propulsion (Moderate)
* Scanning (None)Valid Severities are:
* None
* Minor
* Moderate
* Critical
* Catastrophic
When a System’s Severity is incremented, the Severity changes to the next one down on this list, if it exists.
Resistance-style. Perhaps a little too much voting. Currently no effects.
Maybe a wiki page?
Also, just for clarification, what purpose does the voting serve, other than to delay the Mission’s progress?