Monday, November 14, 2022

Proposal: Some Competition

Enacts 3-0 after more than 48 hours. -Bucky

Adminned at 16 Nov 2022 22:39:58 UTC

Add a new subrule to “Attraction List” called “Ball Toss”, with this text:

The Ball Toss High Score is a publicly tracked positive Integer, defaulting to 10.

At any given time, one Visitor is the publicly tracked Ball Toss Champion. This defaults to the first listed Visitor under the Proprietor’s control.

The Ball Toss is a Queue. The Ball Toss’s Front Effect is “Admit 3: Roll 10DICE3. If the result is higher than the Ball Toss High Score, it becomes the new Ball Toss High Score and this Visitor becomes the Ball Toss Champion.”

A Visitor holding Brisket has greasy hands, and therefore has 10DICE2 rolled when Admitted to the Ball Toss instead of 10DICE3.

Add a new subrule to the rule “Stamps”, called “Ball Tossing Contest” with the following text:

If the Ball Toss High Score is not equal to its default value, and either the Ball Toss High Score is equal to 30 or the Ball Toss Champion did not change during the last three instances of Advancing the Queues, then as an atomic action called Crowning the Champion, any Group may award a B Stamp to the current Ball Toss Champion, then set the Ball Toss Champion and the Ball Toss High Score to their default values.


JonathanDark: he/him

14-11-2022 19:28:45 UTC

I think the criteria for the B stamp should also include “and the Ball Toss High Score is not currently at its default value”. Otherwise, after 3 instances of Advancing the Queues, if no Visitor goes to the Ball Toss Queue, or no Visitor beats the default Ball Toss High Score, the Proprietor could simply award the B stamp to their first listed Visitor without having done anything to earn it directly.

JonathanDark: he/him

14-11-2022 19:46:04 UTC

Duh, maybe I should read all the words. The sentence starts with “If the Ball Toss High Score is not equal to its default value”. Somehow I missed that. Or did you just edit that within the allowed timeframe?

Either way…



14-11-2022 20:11:45 UTC

Crowning the Champion should be a Traffic Action, particularly if “Roll Up, Roll Up” passes. But we’ve got a week to fix that before it could possibly become a problem.

Kevan: he/him

15-11-2022 10:17:15 UTC
