Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Proposal: Some new contenders

Withdrawn. Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 29 Oct 2021 04:02:50 UTC

In the rule “Buyers”, replace everything but the first paragraph with the following:

If there are less than 16 Buyers, Eli Curf may create 15 Buyers via the following Atomic Action:

Secretly randomly create 15 distinct triplets of initials to be the Buyers’ names
Optionally, for each such name, change the last initial to be a proper noun
Secretly randomly order the integers 2 through 16 and assign the numbers in that order to the new Buyers as their Bucks
Secretly randomly order the integers 2 through 16 and assign the numbers in that order to those same Buyers as their Desired Quality.
Secretly randomly order the integers 2 through 16 and assign the numbers in that order to those same Buyers as their Bravery
Secretly randomly order the integers 2 through 16 and assign the numbers in that order to those same Buyers as their Health
List the Buyers thus created at the end of the list of Buyers on the Dynastic Tracking wiki page

Simple change but since we’re going to start having Buyers die I figured we’d need a refill mechanism.


Vovix: he/him

27-10-2021 01:32:11 UTC

Hey, I worked hard on those murders!


27-10-2021 06:10:45 UTC

for The Big Man gets what he wants.

Josh: he/they

27-10-2021 08:18:16 UTC


Kevan: he/him

27-10-2021 11:02:21 UTC

against A dwindling market seems just as interesting, at least for now.

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

27-10-2021 14:30:24 UTC

Alright. I won’t try and force this one through

Brendan: he/him

27-10-2021 17:42:36 UTC

against But I’d support something along these lines that allowed Eli to refill the buyer stack only up to 16, maybe as a weekly action.

Raven1207: he/they

27-10-2021 21:41:09 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

28-10-2021 03:55:02 UTC

against Withdrawn as it doesn’t seem to be popular.