Proposal: Some of the bits
Times out 4-2 and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 27 Aug 2022 13:49:38 UTC
In the rule Statuses, replace “it will cease to be Flipped after 3 turns have passed” with:
it will cease to be Flipped after 5 turns have passed
In the rule Statuses, replace the bullet point Scrambled with:
Scrambled: Each round a Bot is Scrambled, before running its turn, the Announcer separately randomises the order of its Script’s Triggers and Reactions. When it ceases to be Scrambled its Triggers and Reactions regain their standard order. A Bot may only become Scrambled once per Bout and ceases to be Scrambled after three rounds have elapsed.
Remove “for the next two turns” from the effect of the Signal Jammer, and reduce its Consumption to 270.
Two changes from Proposal: Tournament Balance Changes that I particularly liked; strengthening the Scrambled buff further.
SingularByte: he/him
If scrambled is getting buffed heavily, it might be worth clarifying whether there’s any opportunity for a bot to act unscrambled if they’re hit with it every turn, or if you can be continuously scrambled all match long.
Does the scramble effect wear off after an opponent has acted on the turn that it will end or before they act, and does firing it again refresh the timer, or does it fail because they can’t gain a status they already have?