Proposal: Something to Brag about
reached a quorum, final vote 9-2—Yoda
Adminned at 05 Mar 2008 20:01:31 UTC
Add this at the end of rule “Sailing”:
There exists a section of sub-rules within this rule, called “Bragging Rights”. Each Rule within that section will apply only to Captains who’s rank is one specified in that rule, and will apply to no one else. No sub-rule may be created in this section that affects more than three ranks at once. Each rule will be noted down in this fashion, replacing words within parenthesis with the appropriate value:
(Rule Name) [(Ranks)]: (Rule Text)
All such rules will be noted below, within this rule.
Create this new sub-rules in the Bragging Rights section:
Plunderin’ [3rd through 6th]: Pirates may, as a weekly action, add three times DICE10 to their Gold.
Lethal Skillz [3rd through 6th]: Ninjas may, as a weekly action, reduce a single Pirates Army Size of their choice by DICE4.