Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Something’s Afoot Again

The site won’t load for me every once in a while, and I’m receiving e-mail notifications for comments I already received notifications for, at seemingly random intervals. Anyone else getting such weirdness?



30-01-2013 00:56:20 UTC

I’ve had some trouble loading in the past few days, I got a message saying that it was unable to reach the site for some reason or another.


30-01-2013 01:22:10 UTC

I had trouble loading earlier and was unable to load blognomic for a few hours. Since it started working again it’s been fine though.


30-01-2013 01:31:04 UTC

I had the same problems as Larry.


30-01-2013 03:01:37 UTC

I had some trouble too

Josh: he/they

30-01-2013 10:48:04 UTC

Something server-side, then, which has apparently fixed itself.