Thursday, July 12, 2007

Soul Coughing

Bucky, is it just me, or did you not do Daemon Maintenance after this latest Time Advancement?



12-07-2007 15:01:28 UTC

My factory and office was not created either. -changing GNDT to correct-


12-07-2007 15:02:29 UTC

...errr… I forgot I changed my inventory production so many times trying to not die. I recant the above comment I just made.


12-07-2007 22:27:30 UTC

I usually do “daemon maintenance” at the same time as the main time advancement.

Brendan: he/him

12-07-2007 22:48:19 UTC

Okay, but I had 33 Souls and 3 Daemons before Advancement, and 33 Souls after…


12-07-2007 23:31:26 UTC

I seem to have made a mistake in your case.  Everyone else had their souls taken.