Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Proposal: Spam Brigade

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 31 Jul 2014 08:55:13 UTC

In the rule named “Special Delivery”, change"from those who have submitted at least one Proposal during the past week” to:

from those who have submitted at least one Proposal during the past week that has not been Vetoed.


PTSnoop_: Idle

30-07-2014 10:09:38 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

30-07-2014 10:23:21 UTC

for If you like. I imagined that simple social pressure would discourage spamming - that and the fact that making a superficially interesting proposal (“change the cost of Evening Classes to £3” or, indeed, “exclude Vetoed proposals from the Special Delivery”) is barely any more work than making an empty spam one.

King: Idle

30-07-2014 12:57:47 UTC


BellEt: Idle

30-07-2014 16:12:48 UTC


ayesdeeef: Idle

31-07-2014 07:09:26 UTC

for Perhaps the Baron should be allowed to take certain proposals out of the Roulette for a free prize at his own discretion, while of course declaring it within the blog. I don’t know how that can be managed fairly however.