Monday, October 24, 2011

Proposal: Speak No Evil (Part 1 of 3)

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 26 Oct 2011 07:26:59 UTC

If the current Dynasty is not a Metadynasty, this Proposal does nothing.

Create a new dynastic rule “Members of the Jury” that reads:

Some Players are Members of the Jury (or Juries for short), and can only become so as indicated by this rule. As long as there are at least 8 Members of Jury who are active players, those Juries are said to be Assembled; otherwise, they are Not Assembled.

As long as Juries are Assembled, Votes on Dynastic Proposals made by Members of the Jury are counted twice, but only if at least 5 Members of the Jury have voted on that proposal.
Members of the Jury cannot make a Declaration of Victory unless all active players are Members of the Jury.

If the the words “oligarchy is cool” appear on at least half of the effective votes on this Proposal, add the following text to the previously created rule:

Players who have registered to play Blognomic less than 1 month ago from the current date cannot become Members of the Jury.


Something to get started with some kind of theme. Explicitly avoiding saying how one becomes a Jury, maybe some one else can propose that if the idea sticks.



24-10-2011 19:19:21 UTC


I doubt the oligarchy thing will matter much; there aren’t all that many completely new registrations at this point.


24-10-2011 19:21:23 UTC


That, and one month is far too long. Also the terrible terminology his hilarious.


24-10-2011 19:21:49 UTC

MMh I’d like this Dynasty to be something more original (while I see how making Players Rules may be the wrong way to start)


24-10-2011 19:22:38 UTC

for oligarchy less than a month after potential registration crisis = bad, but apart from that, it’s fine. So FOR without the rider.


24-10-2011 19:24:43 UTC

Also, this probably goes quite well with Factions, depending on the details.


24-10-2011 19:31:34 UTC

I am personally screwed with the rider. I know I’m not an old timer, but I wouldn’t really appreciate being largely left out of what may be the whole dynasty. I’m somewhat worried about explicitly creating a limited aristocracy (not that I wouldn’t try and join it), considering I have little reputation in BN, but something is better than nothing. imperial

arthexis: he/him

24-10-2011 19:33:48 UTC

for I am voting without the rider myself (explicit author vote)


24-10-2011 19:35:24 UTC

You did not change the Quorum. Would this be a major issue? I think so.

Josh: he/they

24-10-2011 19:38:29 UTC

for oligarchy is cool


24-10-2011 19:38:35 UTC

against oligarchy is cool


24-10-2011 19:45:49 UTC



24-10-2011 20:02:43 UTC

for oligarchy is not cool


24-10-2011 20:03:44 UTC



24-10-2011 20:13:28 UTC

Members of the Jury cannot make a Declaration of Victory unless all active players are Members of the Jury.

Players who have registered to play Blognomic less than 1 month ago from the current date cannot become Members of the Jury.


So you’d have to wait a month before declaring victory and hope no one else joins?

Also, not cool.


24-10-2011 20:15:35 UTC

for, hold the oligarchy


24-10-2011 20:17:09 UTC

Or just stop being a member of the Jury. That point can be defined by a subsequent proposal.

Amnistar: he/him

24-10-2011 20:20:03 UTC

for Do people want me to repropose factions?  I’m not sure this and factions would work together.


24-10-2011 20:23:14 UTC

I say let’s try something different. But I’m 1/44.

Amnistar: he/him

24-10-2011 20:24:46 UTC

Terminology would cause potential problems.  Someone could just the faction “the Jury” and anyone in that group would be a member of the Jury.


24-10-2011 20:25:15 UTC


arthexis: he/him

24-10-2011 20:25:48 UTC

I am different.

redtara: they/them

24-10-2011 20:27:09 UTC



24-10-2011 20:37:31 UTC

cov against


24-10-2011 20:48:21 UTC

Amnistar: factions? what are factions?


24-10-2011 21:10:23 UTC


Kevan: he/him

24-10-2011 22:18:57 UTC

against Counting votes twice without modifying quorum is too big a deal.

Brendan: he/him

24-10-2011 22:53:37 UTC



24-10-2011 23:45:49 UTC

CoV against per Kevan. Please repropose with fix.

Roujo: he/him

25-10-2011 00:02:42 UTC

against Per Kevan. The idea is nice, though.


25-10-2011 00:06:05 UTC

Per Kevan. Also, what is an “active player”?


25-10-2011 00:06:18 UTC

against I do like the idea of voting blocks, in which an additional vote is granted if x members of y voting block vote a certain way.The entire dynasty could be based on shaping and changing these blocks, in both game and meta-game. In fact, I’m going to work out some kinks and propose this for a later dynasty. Feel free to steal the idea, if you like.

Darknight: he/him

25-10-2011 00:19:05 UTC



25-10-2011 01:14:21 UTC

against per Kevan. I loved the idea.


25-10-2011 02:50:36 UTC

against per Kevan

arthexis: he/him

25-10-2011 05:07:45 UTC

Kevan: What do you propose as an alternative to counting votes twice? I do not personally see the problem you express.


25-10-2011 05:18:35 UTC


Kevan: he/him

25-10-2011 08:44:15 UTC

[arthexis] Once there are eight jury members, they can cast 16 votes, which is probably going to be quorum-breaking by that point. It’s as much that “count the votes of some players twice, you can check their identities by comparing them to the GNDT” is fiddly for the admins to keep track of, though.

Prince Anduril:

25-10-2011 12:01:53 UTC


arthexis: he/him

25-10-2011 12:40:59 UTC

Kevan: What about adding special rules to the vote for easier counting? Like, they have to use an arrow or a special phrase to have their vote double counted?


25-10-2011 13:15:20 UTC



25-10-2011 18:06:04 UTC

against For quorum breaking shenanigans.

Clucky: he/him

25-10-2011 20:20:56 UTC



25-10-2011 22:15:09 UTC

CoV against

arthexis: he/him

25-10-2011 22:18:56 UTC

against SK to expedite its death