Proposal: [Special Case] BlogNomic Medallion Club
Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 1 vote to 5 by Kevan.
Adminned at 10 Apr 2021 07:52:21 UTC
Add a new inactive Special Case rule titled “Awarding of Medals”:
If a Player believes that they have achieved First Place status in the current Dynasty, and also that two other Players have achieved Second Place and Third Place status in the current Dynasty, they may make an Awarding of Medals (abbreviated “AoM”) detailing this, by posting an entry in the “Declaration of Victory” category with the tag Awarding of Medals, or AoM. An AoM is a Declaration of Victory for the purposes of voting, being enacted or failed, hiatus, and establishment of an Interregnum.
A non-AoM Declaration of Victory may not be posted.
If the game is in an Interregnum, a Dealer may only Pass the Mantle to the Player in the Place after them in the AoM that made them the Dealer.
Writing up the protosal from Slack. This is an anti-pooling measure meant to override relevant sections in Victory and Ascension that requires establishing an order for mantle-passing. There’s not much of a purpose to throwing away resources to make your position hopeless in exchange for bolstering a leader if they can’t pass a mantle to you - but this allows for genuine passing if someone wants to play to win but can’t run a dynasty for any reason.
lemon: she/her
does this carry with it the implication that a player cannot post a DoV at all if there’s no clear 2nd and 3rd place?
also, does the last sentence mean 2nd place can’t pass the mantle to 3rd place if they get it? because there was no AoM that ever makes 2nd place the Dealer