Proposal: Speed things up a bit.
Hey! That is quorum.
7-0, Elias IX.
Should be 8-0 -Bucky
Adminned at 02 May 2006 20:03:49 UTC
If the rule entitled “Movement” contains a section reading:
If a Monk has a positive number of Moves, then e may move by decreasing eir number of Moves by 1. A Monk may often set eir Moves equal to eir Fitness.
Change it to:
If a Monk has a positive number of Moves, then e may move by decreasing eir number of Moves by 2 unless e moves to a Location Represented by a ‘.’ in which case e decreases it by 1 instead. A Monk may often set eir Moves equal to twice eir Fitness.
“And Jonathan cried after the lad, Make speed, haste, stay not.” (1 Samuel 20:38a)