Proposal: Spell Economy
Quorum Reached. passes 6-0—Clucky
Adminned at 17 Oct 2023 02:44:46 UTC
Replace the text of the rule “Spells” with
Spells are defined as subrules of this rule, with the name of the Spell being the name of the subrule and rest of the spell information being tracked in the subrule itself. The definition of a Spell may have:
* a cost
* a set of inputsand must have:
* an effectIf a spell has a cost, the cost is deducted from a Wizard’s stars when they cast the spell, unless they have fewer stars than the cost, in which case the spell fails and has no effect.
Remove “Inputs: None” wherever it appears in the ruleset.
If the rule “Doom Cloud” exists:
- Set the cost of “Doom Cloud” to 1 by adding the line “Cost: 1” before its effect.
- Change the effect of “Doom Cloud” to “Every other Wizard participating in the Duel loses 2 Stars.”
I predict we are going to want more spells like Doom Cloud where you expend stars to gain stars, so might as well formalize this sooner than later.
Clucky: he/him
Can we clarify that every spell has an effect?
I think there are also some timing considerations here.
If you have 2 stars and you cast Doom Cloud but also get burned presumably the spell would still succeed and you’d be left at 0 spells (assuming passes). Which I think is the right behavior, but do we need to clarify it?