Proposal: Spiderman, Spiderman, - revised!
Times out 7-3. No PP for a single arrow, but you do get one PP for CoC designation: COLOUR. - lilomar
Adminned at 06 Aug 2010 10:27:53 UTC
Create a RED rule, entitled “Reactor Leak†with the following text:
A Citizen may have a mutation. A Citizen has the type of mutation that the High-Programmer tells them they have. If the High-Programmer does not a tell a Citizen that they have a mutation, then that Citizen does not have a mutation. All mutations must be a type of mutation that has the same name as a subrule of this rule. A subrule of this rule only applies to a Citizen if that Citizen’s type of mutation has the same name as the subrule in question, unless stated otherwise in that subrule.
Removed the officers part, because lilomar said to.