Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Proposal: Spiderman, Spiderman, - revised!

Times out 7-3. No PP for a single arrow, but you do get one PP for CoC designation: COLOUR. - lilomar

Adminned at 06 Aug 2010 10:27:53 UTC

Create a RED rule, entitled “Reactor Leak” with the following text:

A Citizen may have a mutation. A Citizen has the type of mutation that the High-Programmer tells them they have. If the High-Programmer does not a tell a Citizen that they have a mutation, then that Citizen does not have a mutation. All mutations must be a type of mutation that has the same name as a subrule of this rule. A subrule of this rule only applies to a Citizen if that Citizen’s type of mutation has the same name as the subrule in question, unless stated otherwise in that subrule.

Removed the officers part, because lilomar said to.



04-08-2010 16:55:06 UTC

arrow  for


04-08-2010 17:47:16 UTC



04-08-2010 18:34:58 UTC

against Too much control to the High-Programmer, in my opinion.


04-08-2010 18:36:21 UTC

for We’ve given the High-Programmer this much control before, coppro, and no one seems to mind.


04-08-2010 21:14:17 UTC


redtara: they/them

04-08-2010 23:50:31 UTC


Darknight: he/him

05-08-2010 00:08:04 UTC



05-08-2010 01:56:06 UTC

Hmm. This seems to be more controversial than I thought it would be. Remember that lilomar had control over who was in what group. I trust lilomar to be fair again. If not, he should have he authority to inject mutation-inducing retroviruses into whomever he pleases, anyway.

redtara: they/them

05-08-2010 19:43:13 UTC

It’s not that; I just don’t really like it :/


06-08-2010 12:00:14 UTC


ais523: Mastermind

06-08-2010 16:17:56 UTC
