Proposal: Spin the Wheel
8-1, enacted by pokes.
Adminned at 27 May 2020 19:11:26 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule called “The Wheel” and give it the following text
The Wheel is tracked on “The Wheel” wiki page. The Wheel consists of a number of Segments. Each Segments has an Index, a Name, an Effect.
The Index of a Segment is a positive integer. If a Segment has Index N where N is greater than 1, and there is no Segment with Index N-1, the Index of that Segment becomes N-1. If two Segments have the same Index, the Index of the Segment whose Name is Alphabetically later is Increased by 1.
The Name of a Segment is flavor text and no two Segments may have the same Name
The Effect of Segment may not award a player Victory, and is only applied when the rules state its applied.
Give “The Wheel” a sub rule called “Points” with the following text
Each Amnesiac has an integer number of points, defaulting to 0.
Give “The Wheel” a sub rule called “Wagers” with the following text
Each Amnesiac has a Wager which is the Name of a Segment, and defaults to whichever Segment has Index 1. The Wager is tracked on “The Wheel” wiki page. An Amensiac may change their wager at any time.
As a Daily Communal Action, an Amnesiac may Spin The Wheel by performing the following atomic action: roll a DICEN where N is the number of Segments on the Wheel. They then apply the effect of the Segment with Index corresponding to the die roll.
Add the following Segments to the Wheel
Index: 1, Name: Segment One, Effect: All Amnesiacs with this Segment as their Wager gain 1 point
Index: 2, Name: Segment Two, Effect: All Amnesiacs with this Segment as their Wager gain 1 point
Index: 3, Name: Segment Three, Effect: All Amnesiacs with this Segment as their Wager gain 1 point
Index: 4, Name: Segment Four, Effect: All Amnesiacs with this Segment as their Wager gain 1 point
Index: 5, Name: Segment Five, Effect: All Amnesiacs with this Segment as their Wager gain 1 point
First switch dynasty ( had a board game mechanic. Maybe instead this time we can take inspiration but go with a roulette wheel instead.
Publius Scribonius Scholasticus: he/they