Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Proposal: Splurge

Reached quorum 7 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 23 Jun 2021 20:37:37 UTC

If there is a Power Action called Devastation, remove it from the ruleset. If there is a Lair Action called Machination, remove it from the ruleset. If there is a sentence in the ruleset that starts “While a Vampire Lord is Bloodthirsty, they may not perform any Power Actions except”, rewrite that sentence to read as follows:

While a Vampire Lord is Bloodthirsty, they may not perform any Power Actions except Blood Frenzy

Add the following to the end of the rule Lair Actions:

Blood Frenzy is an atomic Power Action with a cost of 7. When a Vampire Lord carries out a Blood Frenzy, they must take the following steps:
* Randomly select a Lit Room. If it contains any Features, randomly select one of those Features and remove it from that Room.
* Randomly select a Lit Room and randomly select a Feature (other than ‘This room contains a Glyph’). Add that Feature to that Room.

Note that this proposal removes the Lair Action Machination from https://blognomic.com/archive/the_crypt_is_about_to_get_very_boring but not the Power Action Machination from https://blognomic.com/archive/deus_vault


Chiiika: she/her

22-06-2021 09:26:54 UTC

So in essence you’re combining the two actions?

ais523: Custodian

22-06-2021 10:25:08 UTC

This makes both actions random, which makes them a lot weaker. I think that’s a good thing.

lemon: she/her

22-06-2021 12:28:22 UTC

i strongly agree with ais– i think this is a good fix for The Devastation Problem, and the randomness hampering its ability to be used tactically cements bloodthirstiness as something that should Actually Be Avoided! this is v far upstream so i’ll wait to vote on it til later but i’ll certainly be supporting it :o

Lulu: she/her

22-06-2021 12:54:05 UTC


Janet: she/her

22-06-2021 13:13:19 UTC

What happens if you randomly choose a feature that the second room already has? Is the entire atomic action stalled?

Josh: he/they

22-06-2021 13:21:18 UTC

I think it just gets it twice; I don’t think there’s anything preventing any room from having the same feature twice under any circumstances.

Janet: she/her

22-06-2021 13:22:03 UTC

Vampire Lords / Lair Actions: “A Room may not have more than one copy of a Feature.”

Josh: he/they

22-06-2021 13:40:20 UTC


Well, as written, because it’s atomic it just bounces - “if a Vampire Lord arrives at a step in an Atomic Action and they cannot perform that step, they undo all the steps they have performed of that Action and are considered never to have performed that Action” - and then if they want to they can try again. Probably worth tidying up a little though.

Janet: she/her

22-06-2021 13:41:05 UTC

for then, since that’s not that bad

Brendan: he/him

22-06-2021 14:31:54 UTC

against Because I like Bloodthirsty Machination.

Kevan: he/him

22-06-2021 15:51:20 UTC

against I’d rather weaken the actions in a non-random way (maybe only the cheapest Features on the board can be destroyed, and only +1 cost ones added), just to avoid an endgame where someone has to blow on the dice before rolling them.

lemon: she/her

23-06-2021 03:38:47 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

23-06-2021 12:25:20 UTC


Clucky: he/him

23-06-2021 15:43:01 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

23-06-2021 19:33:56 UTC
