Thursday, July 01, 2021

Proposal: Sprucing up a bit

Enacted popular, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 02 Jul 2021 17:51:12 UTC

In “The Crypt of Dracula”, change “#666666” to “#888888” and update the ruleset accordingly.
If the proposal “Tepesh Mode” passed, reword the first paragraph of “Ritual Chambers” to the following:

The four rooms in the corners of the Zahndorf Crypt map are known as the Ritual Chambers. Ritual Chambers have a text colour of #FFFFFF and are always Lit. The Ritual Chamber located at A1 is called the Yellow Bile Chamber and has a background colour of #585B1F. The Ritual Chamber located at A8 is called the Black Bile Chamber and has a background colour of #1B2E4F. The Ritual Chamber located at H1 is called the Blood Chamber and has a background colour of #591F2E. The Ritual Chamber located at H8 is called the Phlegm Chamber and has a background colour of #2C541D. Richardo von Nestor may set these Chambers to have any Description that he wishes.

If the proposal “Tepesh Mode” did not pass, replace “Ritual Chambers have a background colour of #333333 and are always Lit.” with “Ritual Chambers are always Lit. They have a background colour of #333333 and a text colour of #FFFFFF.”
Move the Ritual Chambers’ entries to the top of the Room Legend.
Append periods to the end of the Descriptions of the Crypt Entrance, Entrance Vestibule, /\_/\, (=‘_’ ), and (, (”) (”) rooms.
Change the Description of the Shattered Stairway room to “A grand hall with a broken stairway that terminates in a bloody, rune-spattered stretch of stone.”

making the map more readable & fixing up a few descriptions while i’m at it :0


Josh: he/they

01-07-2021 06:33:08 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

01-07-2021 06:56:26 UTC


ais523: Custodian

01-07-2021 07:39:35 UTC


Kevan: he/him

01-07-2021 15:51:02 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

02-07-2021 08:56:59 UTC


Janet: she/her

02-07-2021 17:18:18 UTC
