Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Proposal: A Place for your Things

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 22:25:54 UTC

In the rule “Heists {I}” add a subrule named “Stashes {M}” with the following text:

Each Participant has a publicly tracked Stash, which is a list of zero to two alphabetical characters, defaulting to zero characters.

As a Heist Action, a Participant may remove one or two alphabetical characters from a word in a Mutable rule and add them to their Stash, as long as the word that was modified is a word in the English language after the modification $$.

As a Heist Action, a Participant with an non-empty Stash may remove any number of alphabetical characters from their Stash and add those characters to a word in a Mutable rule, as long as the word that was modified is a word in the English language after the modification $$.

Trying another way to be able to manipulate multiple characters at once. To be able to add 2 characters at once will cost 3 Heist Actions overall, but the advantage is being able to save “good” characters for later when you need them.


ais523: Custodian

21-01-2025 04:49:17 UTC

This seems fine to me.

JonathanDark: he/him

21-01-2025 05:01:20 UTC

To be clear; this proposal seems fine, or the existing DICE3 seems fine? If it’s the latter, then I’ll just repurpose this proposal slot for something else.

ais523: Custodian

21-01-2025 05:19:54 UTC

The proposal seems fine. However, I’m not massively bothered by the DICE3; the proposal is an improvement on the current situation, but only a minor/marginal one, so if you have another use for the slot you might be able to get more value from it.

JonathanDark: he/him

21-01-2025 05:54:47 UTC

Ok, I repurposed my proposal to try another Heist definition. We’ll see how this goes.

SingularByte: he/him

21-01-2025 06:07:38 UTC

Isn’t this just a downgrade from tools of the trade, which also allows adding and removing characters but without the restriction of only adding one that you’ve previously removed?

JonathanDark: he/him

21-01-2025 06:14:57 UTC

It’s to let you add more than one character at a time, and perhaps a more favorable one later. I’m open to tweaking it though to make it more useful.

My other attempts at a Heist Action that would let you manipulate multiple characters at once were considered too powerful, so I’m trying to feel out the appropriate level of power with this one.

JonathanDark: he/him

21-01-2025 06:17:25 UTC

Maybe the max Stash should be 3 characters? Or maybe you can remove 1 or 2 characters at a time? I’m flexible as to what would make it different enough from Tools of the Trade to be a valuable Heist Action in its own right without being too powerful.

JonathanDark: he/him

21-01-2025 07:40:59 UTC

I changed it to allow removing one or two characters. Going to bed.

SingularByte: he/him

21-01-2025 08:02:07 UTC

Sorry, only just checking this again now. I think the main thing I’m feeling is that there needs to be more diversity than just adding and removing characters. If a heist is already in that game space, there’s less reason to have another with basically the same role.

For example, let’s say you’re wanting to remove a character. Is there any point in using tools of the trade to remove it when you could just stash it instead?

On the flip side, if you want to add a character, sure you can spend a week gaining characters to add at once, but it’s going to be faster and easier to just round up a couple of players to just add them all via tools of the trade.

While a stash could exist, it needs to have some notable differences beyond just being a variant of an existing ability.

Josh: he/they

21-01-2025 08:25:17 UTC

One of my favourite things about you as a player, JD, is that you’re constantly trying to innovate and push forward the ruleset.

If it seems like I’m dropping a lot of AGAINST votes on your proposals it’s not because I dislike either the ideas or the ambition, it’s just a reflection of my own sense that the ruleset is moving very quickly and even I am losing grip on what it says and what players can do.

With only one successful heist in the bank, and not yet having myself been in a position to really take the dynastic mechanics out for a run, I’m going conservative in my approach to evaluating ruleset changes. Sorry.  against

Raven1207: he/they

21-01-2025 14:07:46 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

21-01-2025 14:30:29 UTC

@Josh: no worries, I don’t take these things personally. I try to suggest new things partially to give more dynastic options but also as something to do while teams are plotting in secret.

Also, in this dynasty in particular, the rule text itself is a resource to be harvested, so the seeds you plant now might be fruitful later.

SingularByte: he/him

21-01-2025 20:14:39 UTC


ais523: Custodian

21-01-2025 21:18:07 UTC


Brendan: he/him

21-01-2025 21:47:24 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

21-01-2025 22:25:28 UTC

I appreciate the DEFs and FORs, but it’s not enough, and I’m not that much invested in the idea to just leave it in the queue. No problem, as I said before.

Withdrawn.  against