Proposal: Stats and More
Quorums (also, times out) and passes 6-0. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 06 Mar 2016 15:44:00 UTC
Create a new rule “Attacking” with the following text:
An Orc(The Attacker) may Attack a Creature by expending one AP and then performing the following in order:
#Determine X by the following formula, Y+Z=X where Y is the result of DICE20 being rolled in the GNDT and Z is the Attacker’s dexterity. If X is less than the Creatures dexterity no further steps are preformed.
#The Orc decreases the Creature’s Health by X+Y where X is the result of DICE10 being rolled in the GNDT and Y is the Attackers’s Strength
#Decrease the Attacker’s Health by the Creatures strength.
#If the Creature is Dead, the attacker gains the Loot of that Creature.
Create a new rule “Stat” with the following text:
Orcs and Creatures have numerical Stats with define their physical attributes. The Stats are Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Stats are tracked in the GNDT. Orcs stats default to 2.
Create a new rule “Health” with the following text:
Orcs and Creatures have a numerical amount of Health which may be a negative number. An Orc may not have more health than they have Constitution. If an action would give an Orc more health than they have Constitution, it is instead set to their Constitution. An Orc is considered to be Mortally Wounded if their health is equal to or less than 0. If an Orc is Mortally Wounded they may not preform any action defined by the dynastic rules other than Rest.
An Orc may Rest by spending 1 AP and then Increasing their Health by X where X is the result of DICEZ being rolled in the GNDT where Z is 1/2 of their Constitution rounded up.
Note: Would creatures be placed into the GNDT the same as players, or are their stats tracked outside the GNDT? Right now you’re tracking quantities in the GNDT for an entity that is not, itself, in the GNDT.