Sunday, June 27, 2021

Proposal: Step Into My Parlour

Times out and passes, 6-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 29 Jun 2021 18:25:55 UTC

To the second paragraph of “Vampire Lords”, add:-

A Vampire Lord may only Enthral another if that second Lord can be shown to have asked to be Enthralled by the first, in a blog post or comment made within the previous 24 hours.

In “Richardo’s Journey”, add a step after “Carry out any effects that take place when the Crypt Settles.”:-

* For each Vampire Lord without a Sepulchre, and with an Influence above zero, set their Influence to zero.

Striking out the two mechanics based on reacting quickly to Josh posting a Crypt Entry: making it so that you can only Enthral a player who has asked to become Enthralled by you, and saying that a collapsed Sepulchre definitely zeroes your Influence (rather that allowing a quick-reacting Vampire to build a fresh Sepulchre before anyone else can zero them, if they happen to be online when Josh posts an update).


Josh: he/they

27-06-2021 18:53:59 UTC


Brendan: he/himIdle

27-06-2021 20:22:09 UTC


ais523: Custodian

28-06-2021 00:37:16 UTC


Janet: she/herIdle

28-06-2021 01:26:29 UTC

This is a good proposal (so I’m FOR), but I’m feeling malicious (as Vampire Lords often do).

Please read the following from right to left:
for  against

Lulu: she/herIdle

28-06-2021 04:24:40 UTC


Josh: he/they

28-06-2021 05:36:46 UTC

@ Jason - “A Vampire Lord’s Vote on a Votable Matter is the last valid voting icon that they have used in any comment on that Votable Matter” - not sure that simply stating that they should be read in reverse will work

Lulu: she/herIdle

28-06-2021 10:46:04 UTC

what if we were speaking in a language that reads right to left

Josh: he/they

28-06-2021 13:58:22 UTC

We… aren’t?

Interesting question to raise in the conlang dynasty, if it ever happens

Chiiika: she/herIdle

28-06-2021 19:18:11 UTC


Janet: she/herIdle

28-06-2021 20:18:42 UTC

@ Josh - I buy that. I was just curious how it would be interpreted.

In any case,  for .

Lulu: she/herIdle

29-06-2021 02:44:24 UTC

it was a hypothectical