Proposal: Step outside for a moment
Passes with Quorum after 12 hours—arthexis
Adminned at 17 Nov 2008 22:39:05 UTC
Add a new subrule to the Rule entitled “Locations”. Call it “Walking” and give it the following text:
Two Locations are considered Adjacent if their entries on the Location page contain each others’ names. A Location Exits to another Location if it is Adjacent to that Location or if its entry in the Location page explicitly states that it Exits to that other Location.
At any time, a Character may change their Location to any Location that their current Location Exits to.
Also, rename the Location “Sidewalk” to “Main St. Sidewalk” and replace the text “directly to the Sidewalk” in the Location “BuckyStar Café” with “directly to the Main St. Sidewalk”.
This way, it takes less than a week to cross the street. The weekly method of travel represents taking a taxi or something.
I think it should be changed to some finite number of moves per day or something, though.
Also, the Locations page should be able to explicitly say which Locations are adjacent as well as having the possibility setting restrictions on who can move to or away from the location and when (such as Bucky’s Alley being blocked for 15 minutes) instead of any location it mentions being considered adjacent.