Proposal: Stepping, 123. Stepping
Passes with Quorum—arth
Adminned at 06 Aug 2009 22:57:42 UTC
In the Rule “The Way to the Whale,†add the following text:
*A Bill Murray can “Hold a Whale of a Party” by creating a Proposal that is voted on by 90% of all Bill Murrays, rounded up (ie 90% of 5 being 4.5, rounded up equals 5).
*A Bill Murray can “See the Star Trek Movie About Whales” by Proposing a Rule that makes it into the Ruleset and mentions at least 3 of the following items: “Whales,” “Kirk,” “Spock,” “Sulu,” “Chekov,” “Uhura,” “Star Trek,” “Enterprise,” and “Set phasers to stun.”
*A Bill Murray can “Kill the Whales” by spending 1 Harpoon.
In the Rule “Underpants Collection,†add the following text:
*A Bill Murray can “?” by Suggesting a Good Deed that has a question mark in its name.
*A Bill Murray can “Profit” by having the number of Books they own increase.
In the Rule “The Road to Recovery,†add the following text:
*A Bill Murray can “Save the Rest of the World” by accomplishing the Step, “Recruit Bono.”
*A Bill Murray can “Ponder Life’s Meaninglessness” by voting on every single Proposal, CfJ, and DoV that is created in a period of a week (172 hours)(excluding those that are vetoed or self-killed).
In the Rule “Expenditure,†add the following text:
*A Bill Murray can “Recruit Bono” by increasing their Happiness above 75.
*A Bill Murray can “Go on a World Tour” by Time Travelling.
Some of this stuff will obviously need to be mementoed to have any effect.