Proposal: Stick a Widget on it!
self killed—Clucky
Adminned at 13 Aug 2021 00:38:01 UTC
Add the following to “Machines”, under the new subheading “Widgets”
Any Worker may Attach a Widget to one of the Machines they have by paying its Cost. A Widget is tracked by listing it in brackets next to the Machine’s name, i.e. “Clink [Cooling Widget]”. A Machine can only have one (1) Widget Attached to it at any point in time. If a Worker would Attach a Widget to one of the Machines they have that already has a Widget Attached to it, that Worker first removes the already existing Widget from that Machine, then adds the new Widget in the previous Widget’s place.
A Widget has an Effect. A Widget’s Effect is listed underneath a Widget’s cost. Whenever the criteria listed in the Widget’s Effect are met, the Worker that has that Widget can and must execute that Widget’s Effect.
Cooling Widget
Cost: 3 Cogs
Effect: Whenever this Machine is Cold and would be made Hot, it is made Warm instead.Greenhouse Extension
Cost: 1 Cog
Effect: Whenever you Activate a Harvester, you may have that Harvester create one (1) additional Sugar. This Widget may only be attached to a Greenhouse.
In the rule “Machines”, change the first and second paragraph to read as follows:
Each Worker may have up to six Machines in their Line; this is tracked as an ordered list that defaults to one Clink machine. A Worker may add a new, Cold instance of a Machine to any position in their Line by paying that Machine’s Cost. A Worker may Activate a Cold or Warm Machine they have by paying its costs, setting its heat to Hot, and executing its effects.
A Machine has a Heat status that can be Hot Warm, or Cold (and is Cold by default); this status is tracked by placing a apostrophe (‘) mark next to the name of each Warm Machine in each Worker’s list of Machines and an asterisk (*) next to the name of each Hot Machine in each Worker’s list of Machines.
Working with (currently) limited slots, why not make the most out of what you have?