Proposal: Sticks and Carrots
Timed out. Failed 2-9.—Clucky
Adminned at 17 Jan 2007 12:38:00 UTC
Add to the bulleted list at the end of “Training”:
* When enacting a Proposal that has been open for vote for no more than 18 hours, the Admin doing so shall award 1 Training Point to each Olympian who has cast a counted vote on such Proposal. The implicit vote of the Proposal’s author is also counted.
* When enacting or failing a timed-out Proposal, the admin doing so shall take 1 TP from each Olympian who has not cast a vote on such Proposal. If that would bring an Olympian’s Training Points to less than zero, said Olympian shall lose 1 Popularity instead.
Add a “Admining” sub-rule to “Popularity”:
When enacting a Proposal that has been open for vote for no more than 18 hours, the Admin doing so may award eirself 1 Popularity.
If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “24 is better”, change both instances of “18” above to “24”.
If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Not Pop”, change the instance “may award eirself 1 Popularity” above to “may award eirself 2 Training Points.”