Friday, August 03, 2007

Proposal: Stop! Banana Thief!

failed by Hix

Adminned at 05 Aug 2007 11:55:44 UTC

Add the following text to the end of the rule Doing the Dance:

Transfer 1 banana from the monkey in position n_A to the monkey in position n_A+1 OR n_A-1.

Transfer to the monkies in positions n_A+1 and n_A-1 one banana each from the monkey in position n_A.

With a little help from Amnistar, I think it works now.


Clucky: he/himIdle

03-08-2007 20:01:42 UTC


There should be no choice when executing the dance. It should be all automated. OR is not automated.

Amnistar: he/himIdle

03-08-2007 23:22:17 UTC

Also, Chivelry is over their limit for proposals, so this is not a valid proposal.

Clucky: he/himIdle

03-08-2007 23:37:05 UTC

E has one self killed, so it is ok.

Chivalrybean: Idle

04-08-2007 00:55:16 UTC

against anyways so I can do this right tomorrow.

aaronwinborn: Idle

04-08-2007 22:22:28 UTC

you should make sure to define what happens if the monkey transfering has no bananas. (which i assume to be that no transference takes place, unless we allow a negative count of bananas)