Proposal: Stop Slouching, Boy
Passes 16-0. —Brendan
Adminned at 08 Nov 2010 19:42:11 UTC
In Rule 2.1 (Student Handbook), replace “As a weekly action, any Student whose Condition is Ghost or Zombie may Visit Mr. Cruik, and set their Condition to Alive.” with:-
As a weekly action, any Student whose Condition is Ghost or Zombie may Visit Mr Cruik. Upon doing so, if Mr Cruik does not have a Grudge against that Student, that Student may decrement each of their own Grades (excluding those which are “F” or Ungraded) and set their Condition to Alive.
In Rule 2.6 (Teachers), replace “Each Teacher has a Name, a Condition” with “Each Teacher has a Name, a Field (any Subject), a Condition”, and replace “have a Name and Condition of the Headmaster’s choosing” with “have a Name, Field and Condition of the Headmaster’s choosing”.
Add Mr Cruik as a Teacher with a Condition of “Ghost” and a Field of “Recreational Necromancy”.
While we’re here, add to Rule 2.6 (Teachers):-
If a Student is the subject of a Grudge by every Teacher, then that student is put on Detention.
Making dezombification less of a… no-brainer, and adding Mr Cruik as a member of Staff. Also reintroducing a couple of lost mechanics; Teachers specialising in a Subject, and too many Grudges leading to Detention.
Roujo: he/him