Saturday, July 08, 2017

Story Post: Combo: Mountain Time!

1 Change Camps (Location: Base Camp, Supplies: 10 -> Location: Boot Camp, Supplies: 9)
2 Change Camps (Location: Boot Camp, Supplies: 9 -> Location: Disco Camp, Supplies: 8)
3 Change Camps (Location: Disco Camp, Supplies: 8 -> Location: Science Camp, Supplies: 7)
4 Change Camps (Location: Science Camp, Supplies: 7 -> Location: Mountain Camp, Supplies: 6)
5 I DRAW THEIR WEAPON (Location: Mountain Camp, Supplies: 6 -> Location: Mountain Camp, Supplies: 6)

Bad grammar because:
“Military: A Military Explorer may make a public post indicating that they DRAW THEIR WEAPON.”
Bad grammar encoded in rules.



08-07-2017 19:20:41 UTC



08-07-2017 20:14:28 UTC

The ELeader cant stamp your WEAPON thing but you can make another post of DRAWING WEAPON anyways, np


08-07-2017 20:26:25 UTC

Sphinx can stamp it here: this is “a public post indicating that they DRAW THEIR WEAPON”; they just need to somehow “confirm that the Explorer has drawn their weapon”.


08-07-2017 20:27:27 UTC

Ooh. Forgot that we amended that,


09-07-2017 09:45:25 UTC

Can confirm that thunder drew their weapon.