Story Post: Day Fourteen
Late during the previous evening, another Monk arrives at the Monastery. The Porter is quick to assign new quarters, giving instructions for the new brother to seek the Abbot at Lauds, early in the morning.
During the next day, directly after the noon meal, word spreads through the Badia that a party from Rome has arrived on the grounds. At None, after all of the Brothers are gathered about in the Chapel, the Abbot begins to speak:
“After conferring with the Sergeant of the Guards and several of the brothers, it has become apparent that we are dealing not only with a depraved murderer, but supernatural forces as well! I have sent notice to Rome, requesting an official legation from the Church to help us settle this mystery.”
“Brothers, let me introduce to you Bruno of Rome, the noted Inquisitor and Witchfinder, and his assistant Marcello of Rome, the famed scholar. I have given the two of them free range of the Monastery, and I instruct all brothers to obey the instructions of Bruno—be certain to answer truthfully any questions that may be posed to you.”
After the Abbot goes on at length about the problems of evil in the world, the Devil, and the murders of the past week, the two new visitors are assigned quarters.
The Abbot asks the new brother, Gabriel, to take a Vow of Silence.
Due to a Secret Rule, all Monks lose three points of Integrity. Two new Actors are added to the GNDT and given the appropriate statistics.
Note that several Items have been added to the rule ‘Reagents’.