Friday, April 21, 2006

Story Post: Day Six

The general air of the monastery at Passignano is hushed—a storm front has broken over the hills. The arrival of the sergeant of the guard has done nothing to decrease the tense feeling that the discovery of murder has brought about. The abbot had announced the morning after his arrival that the sergeant was to have access to all of the grounds (except the library, of course) and freedom to question any of the brothers as his discretion dictates. Throughout the day the men of the guard have wandered the grounds in a seemingly random fashion and taken the monks and servants aside for questioning.

The previous evening:

Brother Bucky rushes out of the Graveyard Chapel in pursuit of the two black garbed monks. They sprint past the side of the building and to the far end of the graveyard, hopping over the stone wall and vaulting down the cliff face on the other side. Bucky climbs up the largish tree at the end of the wall, hoping to gain a view of these figures—the terrain on the other side of the wall is shear and treacherous, and not to be taken at night. Down at the bottom of the drop, some distance away, a figure bearing a torch can be seen.

Increase Bucky’s Knowledge and Fitness by 2.


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