Sunday, June 04, 2006

Story Post: Day Ten

The air around the Monastery is heavy with an usual charge, as if a thunderstorm were on the horizon, although the sky is clear for a cold winter day. Everyone feels agitated and restless. Petty fights erupt among the brothers, and a feeling of irrational anger is almost tangible.

Two new Monks have arrived at the Monastery, leading a mule laden with bulging saddlebags. At the request of the Abbot, the Bishop Vincenzo of Siena has detached some of the monks from his see and sent them to Badia a Passignano with a shipment of books.

During the course of the day, some of the brothers notice unusual behavior from Alonzo, one of the guards from the city proper. Having been stationed at the front gate for some time, he seems to have taken to harassing the bellringers as they come, attempting to send them off as they ring the bells to announce the time for prayer. This unusual activity seems to have landed him in trouble with his sergeant, who was overheard complaining about the superstitious nature of his men.

The community atmosphere at dinner is a little less cooperative than usual. Quite unusually, as the wine is being served, one of the brothers came from the kitchen and began to pour Brother Bucky a goblet of wine, but the monk adjacent jostled him with great force, causing the wine to spill and the skin to empty on the floor. The Abbot is displeased by this show of clumsiness, but not enough so to break the Benedictine rule of silence at mealtime.

The Monastery is much warmer at night than it should be at this time of winter, and some brothers claim on rising to have heard voices and footsteps in the night.

As the Abbot I ask our two newest Monks to take a Vow of Silence. Your obediance is commendable.

Elias IX is the Herbalist again! Welcome back, did you find that amulet you were looking for?

Some Books are distributed via Story Post. I have removed the Bookcase B from the map since B already denotes a Bell. By a secret rule all Monks lose two points of Integrity. No new ciphers tonight. I will make a wiki page with links to all of the important story posts for easy of use, probably tomorrow.

Some of the Guards wander around.

Incidentally, just who has been

digging holes in Monastery walls

, hmm?


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