Monday, April 10, 2006

Story Post: Day Three

A heavy rain has started to fall on the Abbey, although no storm was apparent on the horizons during the last few days.

The visiting brother is one Ugolino of Pisa. Having been escorted to his quarters and instructed to wait there until formally greeted by the abbot, Ugolino was observed to wander about the Abbey while the brothers were beginning their labors. (The assistant librarian noticed the new brother poking through the anteroom of the library, whereupon he gave the standard notice about the brothers and the collection.)

Word is received today that a prominent son of the Albizzi family was murdered in the streets of Florence—he was set upon by unidentified assassins as he left one of the mercantile districts of Florence at an unusual morning hour.

During communal dinner, the abbot is overheard mentioning something to Matteo about a deal of missing books, as well as a section of leaves torn from the Codex in the library antechamber. Although these words were not spoken loudly, word circulates through the monastery grapevine, as such a thing is strange enough even in such interesting times as these.

The Abbot’s Fitness is set to 10. I guess that’s easy enough to fix without proposal. Tomorrow I will re-draw some of the map and perhaps add separate levels, provided that my pending proposal passes.


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