Story Post: Day Twelve
A bevy of new monks arrive at the Monastery, on a pilgrimage from another church in Southern Italy. The new brothers are assigned quarters by the Abbot, and work continues about the Monastery grounds much as usual. One of the newly arrived is a brother Fransiscan, wandering abroad on a personal spiritual quest.
The general air at the Abbey has taken a turn for the worse. Several of the brothers are reprimanded by the Abbot for their antisocial behavior—several quarrels break out in the morning in the public quarters. It feels as if something in the air is not quite right, or natural, and in private stories are whispered of diabolic nightmares.
Several texts for study are distributed amongst the new brothers. The Cellarer notices the absence of one of the communal Shovels, which is of moderate interest, especially since e is in charge of the Monastery goods.
The Map is edited. I had added some terrain to the Monastery Map and corrected the position of the Path to the Infirmary in the Movement Rule. The new terrain ‘*’ is also added to the list of “empty” terrain tiles.
—all Monks are advised to look at the Monastery Map first. Fixed.
Due to his exemplary behavior in his position as the Assistant Librarian, Brother TAE is given the Station of Librarian. According to his exotic knowledge and far ranged travels, Brother Greth is appointed to the Station of Assistant Librarian.
Due to a secret rule, all Monks lose two points of Integrity.
I have awarded Bucky 15 points of Knowledge in conclusion of a private wager. Elias’s integrity has decreased inexplicably by 18, while Bucky’s Knowledge has decreased by 36.
Several secret rules are distributed as per the ‘Classical Literature’ Proficiency.
The number of Suspicious Monks increases by one.
About the secret rule, should the phrase ” if any Abbot has *****ed a ******” be “if the Abbot has *****ed any ******s?”