Saturday, April 08, 2006

Story Post: Day Two.

The funeral mass for Alessandro is finished, and the Abbey begins to move into its normal routine. The Monks chant the offices at the proper hours, the necessary labor is pooled and divided between the brothers, and the air of calm industry begins to settle again on the Abbey. The new Monk, as well as a few others, have taken vows of silence to demonstrate their discipline and humility.

The Abbot Stefano is often seen consulting with the new Librarian, Matteo. At Terce and Sext, after the Monks finished chanting their offices and had begun to leave for their duties, the Abbot was seen (by those who keep an eye for such things) handing a bundle of books and papers to Matteo. The Abbot seems to be in unusually good spirits, although no reasons why this should be so are apparent from his behavior. Matteo seems to be somewhat less confident than the brothers would have expected—perhaps the duties of a new station weight heavily on his mind.

A brother from a different order has appeared at the gates of the Monastery, just after sunrise as the Monks were chanting Lauds. The Abbot assigns him a room—15i. If the Porter will take this Unknown Brother (Tourist) to his quarters within the next two days, this would be superb.

Provided that these Monks keep in good standing with God (as well as staying active in the game), Plorkyeran is the new Assistant Librarian, Purplebeard is the new Porter, and Rodney is the new Cellarer.



09-04-2006 12:41:19 UTC
