Call for Judgment: Story Post from past dynasties are no longer Story Posts
Does nothing now. Failing per the last sentence of 1.6. - lilomar
Adminned at 12 Aug 2010 11:39:28 UTC
The definition of Official Posts is (from Rule 1.7) “Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered official posts”.
From the definition of Official Post, I infer that if the rule specifying the format of an Official Post is repealed, that post ceases to be an Official Post.
The definition of Story posts (in the Glossary) requires a Story Post to be an Official Post.
Also, the description of the Code of Conduct action designated “UPPITT” explicitly requires that the post in question be a Story Post. Any other citizen with ULTRAVIOLET clearance can confirm this.
Therefore, revert any processings of instances of UPPITT for comments on posts that were Story Posts in a previous dynasty but are not in this dynasty, and revert any changes in Clearance made based on the effects of those instances of UPPITT on Citizens’ Treason values.
I see your point, but
because I don‘t know what UPPITT means.