Saturday, August 29, 2020

Story Post: I turned into a forest

After wandering through the Qualifier Hills I eventually stumbled into the Interu Hills.  I was careful not to use my magnetic gloves on any of the plants around here so as to not cause more of a fuss for my fellow pathfinders.  I then noticed a clearing into a forest that no one else had found, which is where I will be resting for tonight. 

The name of this location shall be the “Trepi Forest”, with “Trepi” meaning “turn” as this forest is a turn away from derrick’s animal savannah.  As for why the computer named this clay “Stenium” I have no idea… the Greek prefix “Sten” means “Stand” or “Narrow”.  Maybe this clay can be converted into a useful building material?

Well, that’s it from me.  I’m gonna have a nap now, peace!


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