Proposal: Story Post: Readings from the Holy Lands
Adminned at 08 Jun 2006 19:32:26 UTC
Greth begins eis walkings through the Monastery, having heard that the greens were particularly pleasant to see this time of year. Stepping out into the daylight, e smiled, the warmth bringing back pleasant memories of eis trip to the Near East. Many a text had e studied in those lands, and much had e learned about bookkeeping and the proper way to organize the scriptures.
In eis wanderings, e encountered the Abbot. Greth spoke with em about what e had learned. The Abbot shared with em that the previous librarian had recently left to spend eternity with The Lord, and Greth proposed that e would be more than happy to honour The Lord by properly arranging His books.
Greth loses 30 moves (refreshing with eis Fitness halfway through the journey to the Abbot).
Greth’s location becomes A-15a.
Greth gains the station of Librarian.
Angry Grasshopper:
Not so fast, there. ;)