Straw Poll - Represent Tokens in the Squares Directly?
Kevan has worked on an alternate way to display the island grid squares to show the tokens of each Meeple directly in the grid, so that it’s easier to visualize where everyone’s tokens are. The upside is that you don’t have to do a constant lookup between the Position variable and the grid square to see where your token is relative to other squares and what color it’s on. The downside is that it is not quite as aesthetically pleasing in terms of consistent grid square spacing.
This isn’t a voteable matter and the results are not binding, but just to get an idea of how people like the look, please vote in the comments if you like this idea, or
if you’d rather keep the look the way it is now. The following link illustrates how it could look, especially in the extreme cases where many tokens are on the same square:
Raven1207: Monarchple he/they