Friday, February 21, 2025

Straw Poll - Represent Tokens in the Squares Directly?

Kevan has worked on an alternate way to display the island grid squares to show the tokens of each Meeple directly in the grid, so that it’s easier to visualize where everyone’s tokens are. The upside is that you don’t have to do a constant lookup between the Position variable and the grid square to see where your token is relative to other squares and what color it’s on. The downside is that it is not quite as aesthetically pleasing in terms of consistent grid square spacing.

This isn’t a voteable matter and the results are not binding, but just to get an idea of how people like the look, please vote for in the comments if you like this idea, or against if you’d rather keep the look the way it is now. The following link illustrates how it could look, especially in the extreme cases where many tokens are on the same square:


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

21-02-2025 17:32:50 UTC



21-02-2025 17:47:30 UTC


Josh: he/they

21-02-2025 18:25:58 UTC

Got to say I find that completely illegible

Kevan: he/him

21-02-2025 18:32:36 UTC

[Josh] Note that I gave the linked page a small CSS update about the time you commented there.

The original sandbox draft was just a quick proof of concept to demonstrate that it’s possible to drop {{chip}} templates into table cells to give the appearance of tokens on a board.


21-02-2025 19:29:25 UTC

against mostly because I think it’ll be annoying to update in the tracker. At the moment, a token move is just a case of changing some numbers in the global gamestate, and checking to see if any are on special squares. With the change, you’ll have to delete the chip from one place and add it at another. However, I’m not strongly against and wouldn’t mind doing the change if other people think it’s a good idea.

JonathanDark: he/him

21-02-2025 19:49:49 UTC

One complication is how to represent all of the players and their Tokens in a succinct manner that still differentiates those tokens from each other. I was considering wording along these lines:

In the grids below, the ovals represent each Meeple’s token, where the letters are the minimal amount of characters from the token owner’s username to uniquely represent them among all other Meeples, and the number indicates token size: 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Big

to go along with what Kevan already did.


22-02-2025 02:33:13 UTC

for This is a definitive improvement over the status quo (though maybe the ovals should be small, medium, and large and coloured by their owner instead of coloured by size, that would help readability IMO)


22-02-2025 09:57:45 UTC

against I also think that copy-pasting the token templates around the grid would be annoyingly laborous

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