Sunday, January 01, 2012

Proposal: Streamlined idling

Self-killed. Josh

Adminned at 03 Jan 2012 06:06:15 UTC

In rule 1.2, to the end of the following:

Any idle Driver, provided they did not go idle within the same dynasty in the previous four days, may submit an Idling Post or Idling Comment requesting themselves to be unidled.


An admin who unlidles themselves may skip this step when doing so.



01-01-2012 23:51:57 UTC

Ineffective idle against .  This totally subverts the intention of the four-day clause by letting admins abuse idle-unidle on demand while inconveniencing everyone else

ais523: Mastermind

02-01-2012 00:13:43 UTC

against Agree with the sentiment, but as Bucky says, this is buggy. Perhaps allow admins to combine the idling post/comment, and the post saying that the unidle has been processed?

Clucky: he/him

02-01-2012 07:22:11 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

02-01-2012 08:52:50 UTC

against s/k didn’t think this through properly


02-01-2012 20:22:55 UTC

against agreed