Friday, February 13, 2009

Proposal: Stunt changes

It is understood by High Command that some abilities are more physically and mentally draining that others, and as such should not be performed as often in order to reduce claims on military insurance schemes. This proposal is passed, considered suitable to prevent over-exertion, accidental unconsciousness and death.

Reporting, Devenger.

(Passed after 12 hours plus quorum with 12-0.)

Adminned at 14 Feb 2009 13:18:03 UTC

In rule 2.6 replace the text “As a daily action, a Soldier who is not Dead may perform a ‘Stunt Action’ by (in order) spending 1 AP, selecting a Stunt from the Stage Directions (defined in sub-rule ‘Stage Directions’) for which they meet the ‘Prerequisites’, then performing the ‘Results’ of the Stunt.” with “As a daily action, a Soldier may perform a ‘Stunt Action’ by (in order) selecting a Stunt from the Stage Directions (defined in sub-rule ‘Stage Directions’) for which they meet the ‘Prerequisites’, spending the AP cost, then performing the ‘Results’ of the Stunt. The soldier may not perform stunts if he is dead except for stunts which list being dead as a prerequisite.”

In rule 2.61 modify the text to

Each possible Stunt is a sub-rule of this rule. Each Stunt has the following attributes:

  * Name: Text; the title of the sub-rule.
  * Cost: The number of AP points it takes to perform the stunt. It must be a positive integer.
  * Prerequisites: Text describing conditions that need to be met in order to perform the Stunt. The Soldier attempting to perform the stunt is referenced as the ‘Stuntperson’.
  * Results: Text describing what takes place when the Stuntperson performs the Stunt.

In add the text ‘Cost: 1 AP’

Basically in addition to allowing certain stunts when dead, I’ve changed the order of the actions you do to perform a stunt and allowed stunts to cost different amounts.



13-02-2009 16:57:39 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

13-02-2009 17:28:36 UTC



13-02-2009 19:08:41 UTC

for yay, people making my rules better :D


13-02-2009 19:51:07 UTC


Kevan: he/him

13-02-2009 21:55:55 UTC



13-02-2009 22:22:33 UTC


ais523: Custodian

13-02-2009 22:36:03 UTC



13-02-2009 23:54:24 UTC


Darknight: he/him

14-02-2009 04:28:49 UTC



14-02-2009 07:11:12 UTC


Wooden Squid:

14-02-2009 20:22:52 UTC
