Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Subroutine Report: L0GS

A control panel oscilloscope spikes and curves as the Ship’s Computer recites a private subroutine log through a Crewmember’s earpiece feed.



11-02-2015 15:46:47 UTC

Bucky, Darknight, Darknight, Sylphrena, Skju.

Bucky - MD1C on ayesdeeef
Darknight, Sylphrena, Skju - probably self-MD1Cs.
Darknight - probably S33R by process of elimination.


12-02-2015 03:35:02 UTC

I can confirm my self-medication.


16-02-2015 17:27:55 UTC

I was a little confused by Bucky’s comments. Turns out that ayesdeeef was MD1C’d twice, making this the most recently processed subroutines:

MD1C on Darknight
MD1C on Sylphrena
MD1C on Skju (claimed by Skju)
MD1C on ayesdeeef

Yep, I think it’s very likely that Darknight used the S33R. He didn’t claim results, but given that Darknight can’t have submitted the MD1C until the S33R was processed, he would have seen “empty”, “Skju”, or “Skju, Sylphrena”.