Proposal: Suck it in, like you’re Rin Tin Tin or Anne Boleyn
3-13, cannot be enacted without CoV -Darth
Adminned at 03 Jun 2010 15:01:29 UTC
Add an entry to the Glossary as follows:
A Hook is a word or phrase that is added to the Ruleset by proposal that is not defined or explained in the then-existing Ruleset or that Proposal, such that a definition or explanation can be supplied via a later proposal or game action. A Proposal containing a Hook may, but is not required to, acknowledge the Hook as such by setting it off with {curly braces}, in that case, the curly braces have no game effect and can be removed from the Ruleset by any Admin at any time.
By request.
I defer. The last dynasty’s implementation of hooks was unusual: the existence of Arguments meant that the name of a hook was meaningful, but the ability to define them meant that they need not otherwise match their names. Also, it didn’t work well with implicit definitions, where there was a way to gain the hook as a game state.