Call for Judgment: Sudden Dearth
Timed out and enacted, 5-1. Josh
Adminned at 31 Jul 2022 13:37:28 UTC
In the bullet point Domination in the rule Ending a Bout, in the text “If, after sixty rounds, one Bot has a Tally that is higher than its Opponent by at least 10% then that Bot is the Winner. If sixty rounds have elapsed without a Bot Winning through Tally then Sudden Death occurs instead”, change both instances of “sixty rounds” to “sixty turns”. Uphold that sudden death has been triggered correctly in every Bout in which it has been triggered prior to the enactment of this CfJ.
For any Operator whose Readiness is Set and whose EVC on this CfJ contains the word “rethink”, change their Readiness to Staging.
SingularByte: he/him
Could you also unset my readiness with this one, and revert the match if it occurs before this enacts?
I’d set it thinking I got the right interpretation, only to realise that the sixty rounds interpretation caused a mess in the rules.