Suggestion: Integrated Alethioscript
It’s just Javascript, right? This would have the advantage of all updates to it being “automatically” applied to everyone, instead of requiring a new download.
It’s just Javascript, right? This would have the advantage of all updates to it being “automatically” applied to everyone, instead of requiring a new download.
posted by redtara at 01 Feb 2010 14:58:59 UTC Comments (1)
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Alethioscript is written for Greasemonkey, so it wouldn’t be possible to simply copy and paste the code; some (probably trivial) rewriting would be necessary. Also, it depends on the jQuery library, which as-is is automatically installed on the user’s computer by Greasemonkey; this would need to be put on the server as well, if alethioscript itself was. More to the point, it would require either that I be given access to the server, or that someone else who has such access look through and understand the code (again, not that difficult). I’m very uncertain about the idea that something as young as alethioscript doesn’t have any bugs still outstanding, and I’m still at least marginally interested in it. I’m not sure if anyone else here is.