Call for Judgment: Super Expert No Skip
Quorum Reached. Passes 7-1. I’m gonna take the easier intrepretation of just setting Josh’s turns to 0, which actually gives him a bunch of free turns, cause that unblocks the rest of the game and lets us move on.
Adminned at 30 Oct 2020 21:12:13 UTC
If the CfJ here: has passed, this CfJ does nothing. If it is still pending, fail it.
The usage of a Grinding Stone to set tile 4 19 to Green by Josh as seen here here was legally performed, and set his turns to 0.
Increase the turns of all Monks other than Josh by 1.
Alternate approach to fixing game state that doesn’t unwind things. Josh explains the problem in his CfJ
My understanding of the problem is that that move set his turns to -1, which means it was illegal. But we can’t just undo the move because there are moves that chained off of it. Best way to fix in my mind is just to give everyone else a free turn.
Sylav: he/him
Yeah, this is simpler.