Friday, February 09, 2018

Supply Crate #11

A government truck pulls up outside the building, and, engine still running, its crew deliver a small but heavy supply crate.

Sewing Kit • Crowbar • Backpack • Nails • Backpack • Lockbox Key

PineTreeQ is first to react to its arrival.



10-02-2018 17:35:56 UTC

I take the nails, which become a nailed board. Then I do some hitting.


10-02-2018 18:35:55 UTC

I take a crowbar


10-02-2018 18:37:20 UTC

I take a crowbar


10-02-2018 21:01:38 UTC

I’ll take a backpack


10-02-2018 21:19:55 UTC

Correct me if I’m wrong, but Cuddlebeam and PineTree should have spent a craction to wield their weapons before hitting. Cuddlebeam hasn’t wielded theirs (so could not have hit) and PineTreeQ wielded theirs for free.
This applies to Samzeman two for their backpack.


10-02-2018 21:20:19 UTC



10-02-2018 21:31:01 UTC

Usual “may” shenanigans: “One Supply in each Resident’s Inventory may be Wielded by that Resident”, I (and Pine) simply choose to use that right when its time for whomping.


10-02-2018 21:34:28 UTC

“by default, Supplies are neither Wielded nor Worn. A Resident may change which Supplies they are Wielding and/or Wearing, as a Craction”

The rule on prioritisation makes the above text apply here, so the “may be” is cannot supersede it.


10-02-2018 21:39:14 UTC

Yes, but my argument is that Cractions aren’t the only method via the which you can Wield something - the wording in “One Supply in each Resident’s Inventory may be Wielded by that Resident” lets you too.

You “may” take a Craction.
You “may” do this or that.
One Supply in each Resident’s Inventory “may” be Wielded by that Resident


10-02-2018 21:41:26 UTC

I don’t get the discrepancy. I did it as a craction. Did I miss somewhere where cractions are logged? because posting an item comment and doing a craction are separate steps of the atomic action of taking an item


10-02-2018 21:47:24 UTC

(sorry sam, didn’t see you posted that as a craction)

You attempted this already (and failed) back in Axemabaro 1 (I can’t find the post). The whole paragraph relates to wielding and wearing mechanics, so you can’t just take one sentence out of context. This again will not pass in a CfJ and is just another waste of time.


10-02-2018 21:51:02 UTC

(even by your interpretation, you technically performed two illegal actions by hitting without having wielded your crowbar)


10-02-2018 22:13:39 UTC

I tried something very similar back in Kevan’s previous dynasty and it worked, hence why I believed it would work now. But oh well, I’ll make the CFJ I guess.


10-02-2018 22:15:15 UTC

I just made it :)


10-02-2018 22:16:04 UTC

(And took both interpretations into account)

Kevan: he/him

10-02-2018 22:40:11 UTC

“I tried something very similar back in Kevan’s previous dynasty and it worked” - you tried it and we had to undo the effects of it,  I don’t think there was agreement that it “worked”. BlogNomic isn’t big on citing precedence because the players change from dynasty to dynasty.

Note that combined GNDT updates require it to be “clear what is happening”. Cuddlebeam attacking Card with a Crowbar while apparently wielding Binoculars throughout because of a loophole they didn’t mention until someone asked them about it three hours later is not “clear”.

Kevan: he/him

12-02-2018 08:55:00 UTC

The “Wielding and Wearing” CfJ has now resolved and “all actions currently performed on the crate are considered to not have happened”. We’re now back to a refilled version of this crate, with it being PineTreeQ’s turn to take an item.


12-02-2018 15:38:00 UTC

I’m taking the nails again, but I’m spending my craction to wield the new nailed board.


13-02-2018 02:58:03 UTC

I’m taking the Crowbar and going to wield it with a Craction


13-02-2018 11:40:09 UTC

I’ll take the Sewing Kit.


13-02-2018 16:09:30 UTC

Pokes should have gone before cuddlebeam on account of CB having lower health?


13-02-2018 16:26:03 UTC

Cuddlebeam was wielding the binoculars.


13-02-2018 17:42:32 UTC

Oh, right, cool. I’ll take a backpack, and put in on


13-02-2018 17:47:20 UTC

I take another Lockbox Key. Later in my atomic action I will choose to take two cractions, turn 3 of my items into 1 money and then exchange that money for The Bird.


14-02-2018 14:20:38 UTC

I take the backpack, and for the rest of my atomic action I will do the following:
- Take a craction to sell 3 of my items
- Take a craction to buy the Bird


14-02-2018 14:32:44 UTC

I discard the crate


14-02-2018 14:43:04 UTC

I’ve already got two proposals pending but we need to fix the rule stating “A Craction is an action that is taken as the last step of taking an item from a Crate”, since the atomic action lists an optional last action (reducing the health of someone with your priority) that as a consequence cannot be performed. It does’t affect me really but it should probably be fixed.