Supply Crate #16
A bright clear day, and a supply crate with crossed-out biohazard warnings is sitting in the middle of the lobby.
Pokes is first down the stairs.
A bright clear day, and a supply crate with crossed-out biohazard warnings is sitting in the middle of the lobby.
Pokes is first down the stairs.
i take the rope and cractively bind pokes with it
Mutually Assured Defense
I take the Food, and cractively sell it at the black market along with two other supplies.
I take a Gas Mask and then discard the crate and get a Fibreboard (as a Craction)
I take a Tinned Food and then discard the crate and get a Fibreboard (as a Craction)
I take the Gas Mask and cractively bind card with my Rope.