Proposal: Surprising Predictions
Fails 2-9. Failed by Brendan.
Adminned at 07 Mar 2015 05:53:41 UTC
Dependent on Let it Go.
Change the word “Astronomer” to the word “Prophet” throughout the ruleset.
Remove from the rule “Winter” the paragraph beginning “A Favored Proposal may be enacted…”
For each instance of the “They may then comment to this effect on a pending Proposal that they created, which has been open for more than 24 hours. This Proposal becomes Favored.” in the rule Winter, replace it with the text
If no Townsperson has made a Sacrifice in the last 24 hours, that Townsperson becomes the Prophet.
Create a new subrule within the rule “Winter”, “The Prophet”, with the text
At any time, one Townsperson may be the Prophet. The Prophet is tracked by placing a * in the Workplace category of the GNDT (along with any Workplace the Townsperson may have). If a Townsperson becomes the Prophet while a second Townsperson is already the Prophet, the second Townsperson ceases to be the Prophet.
If the Season would change from Winter to Spring, all Townspeople cease to be the Prophet.
Reword the second paragraph in the rule “The Sky” to read
If no Townsperson other than the Prophet has done so during the current Season, the Astrologer or Prophet may examine the Sky by randomly selecting a Constellation from those not currently visible in the Sky, adding it to the above list in the rightmost position, and then removing the leftmost Constellation from that list. The Prophet may only examine the Sky once per Season. (If the Prophet examines the Sky and another Townsperson becomes the Prophet during the same Season, the new Prophet may examine the Sky.)
Making the Prophet a Winter-only keyword with text referencing it in global rules is a little odd, but I don’t think it actually breaks anything.
Sylphrena: Idle
Oh, by the way, did the Weather change when the Season became Summer? If it didn’t, it’s too late to fix it, but I thought I should mention it. (We may want to replace the “should” with a “shall” to make sure the change gets done.)