Friday, January 15, 2010

Proposal: Survival of the Fittest

Self-killed, failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 Jan 2010 10:50:49 UTC

Should only one Guest have the Health status of Alive, then that Guest is victorious.

Seems like a logical victory condition, and with no current rules for killing then it shouldn’t end the Dynasty too soon. Sorry if I’ve made some kind of newbie mistake in doing this.



15-01-2010 20:54:03 UTC


Generally speaking it sounds OK, but I’m not sure of the wording.


15-01-2010 20:56:58 UTC

the conventional wording is “has achieved Victory”.

ais523: Custodian

15-01-2010 21:02:11 UTC

imperial Wording’s unconventional but, I think, correct. Deferential, because I’m unsure about the merits of an early victory condition, even if it is utterly obvious. (Besides, surely we want to catch the Murderer, rather than killing off everyone else?)

ais523: Custodian

15-01-2010 21:21:43 UTC

Actually, just noticed that this doesn’t explicitly create a rule. Precedent is that it implicitly creates a dynastic rule, but I think that precedent is a rather dubious one.


15-01-2010 21:32:26 UTC

imperial too early for a victory condition?


15-01-2010 21:49:06 UTC

Also, doesn’t amend the ruleset.  Conventional wording is: “Add a dynastic rule entitled [whatever], as follows: [content]”


15-01-2010 21:51:21 UTC


Darknight: he/him

15-01-2010 22:00:32 UTC

against Per spike. Its not bad, just doesn’t make a rule.


15-01-2010 22:03:03 UTC

Sorry about the mistakes. I’ll selfkill and resubmit with corrected phrasing. against


15-01-2010 23:05:00 UTC


Will vote against regardless, I don’t want this Dynasty to be an automatic bloodbath.